with apologies to The Sound of Music
1. The smell of winter.
2. Being asked what I want for my birthday and realizing that I have everything I need.
3. Having a loose tooth. Haven't had one in a while, though.
4. Arriving in a new place and not knowing my way around and then figuring it out and then being comfortable. It's the feeling of discovery.
5. Getting a higher score on an LSAT practice test.
6. Coming home for the first time in a couple of weeks.
7. The smell in the Brookdale elevators. It's not a particularly amazing smell, but I feel like a freshman every time I smell it.
8. The Museum of Arts and Design. I just found MAD, and it's really cool. In just an hour, you can visit all six floors of the museum's galleries. Thursday nights are free. It's located at Columbus Circle.
9. Doing logic homework. I'm not very good at it, but it's really fun.
10. My family. Spending Shabbos with friends' families helps me realize how wonderful my family is and how non-dysfunctional we actually are.