Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mission Accomplished

It's Motzai Shabbos, and the enormous shabbaton I ran this weekend is over.  Baruch Hashem, everything went smoothly, which is all that I could have hoped for.  

Two years ago, I would never have imagined myself capable of this sort of organization, leadership, and public speaking.  It's nice to look back and see how far I've come.  Looking forward to more growth, G-d willing.

Now I can write papers and pretend to study for the LSAT--in desperate need of siyata diShmaya.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Professional Procrastination

1.  Check
2.  Read some blogs.
3.  Talk to your roommates.
4.  Make a collage.
5.  Call home.
6.  Make a new iTunes playlist.
7.  Read a 700 page book.
8.  Stock up on DDP.
9.  Knit a sweater.
10.  Organize a shabbaton.
11.  Look at old photos.
12.  Watch The Office.
13.  Apply for summer jobs.
14.  Try on outfits.
15.  Straighten your hair.
16.  Call high school friends.
17.  Go on a walk.
18.  Sit in the caf for a couple of hours.
19.  Watch Backstreet Boys music videos on YouTube (and then deny doing so).
20.  Learn Shmiras HaLashon.
21.  Reminisce about the good old days in Dira 21.

Get some work done, and go to sleep at 4:30 A.M.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I need some caffeinated Diet Dr. Pepper.  

In school, I craved decaf, and now that I have it, I really need caffeine.

I feel a withdrawal headache coming on...

These are a Few of My Least Favorite Things

1.  United Airlines.
2.  Deadlines.
3.  Getting asked out by someone that I see all the time.  
4.  Making housing plans for next year.  
5.  Receiving five phone calls a day from the same person who just wants to say hi.
6.  Being woken up.
7.  Shots.  I'm needle-phobic.
8.  Packing and un-packing.  And packing again.  
9.  Doing laundry in Israel.  Seriously unpleasant.  
10.  Egg salad--I've never tasted it, but it looks horrible.  Same's true of chopped liver.  And I can't bring myself to eat gefilte fish on days other than Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Stehekin, Washington

Ever feel like your life's a soap opera?