Monday, September 3, 2007

I Think I'm Falling in Love with Israel

Okay, so I've been here in Yerushalayim for just about a week and three hours now, and it's been quite an experience.

When I first arrived in Yerushalayim (after a rather lengthy delay in JFK), I had one of those simple yet profound realizations. I so badly wanted to visit the Kotel--merely a remnant in the place where a magnificent Beit HaMikdash should be--and I thought to myself, How awesome would it be to take a sheirut from Ben Gurion to the Beit HaMikdash. Halevai.

I forgot, or perhaps I never realized, how beautiful the city of Yerushalayim is. The hills, the valleys, the panoramic views, the brilliant sunshine--and that's just Bayit Vegan. I've got a great davening spot under a lime tree in a small courtyard outside my dira. Talk about a makom kavuah.

Thank G-d, the learning is great. Lots of Tanach, a good bit of Halacha, and a sprinkle of some Machshava. Maybe even a drop of Torah Sheh'bi'al Peh.

I love the street signs proclaiming the names of Rishonim. I love struggling with Ivrit and Israeli money. I love the cashiers who play Jewish geography ("Where are you from?" "Random Midwest city." "Oh, I have a friend there." "Yeah, it's a great place."). I love the fact that sketchy looking men walk around with giant gold Magen Davids, instead of crosses, around their necks.

I think I'm fallig in love with Israel.


Rebecca said...

Yay DDP!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

yayyyyyyyy!!!! Stern misses you but Israel is for sure better!!!

SJ said...

Ah, I am so jealous (in the purest way, of course)! Have an absolutely fabulous and magical year!