Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm Back

Long story short, I'm running out of ways to procrastinate, so I'm blogging. Oy.

My crazy friend, let's call her "Deenie," wants me to mention her. I guess that she doesn't realize that my blog isn't famous. In any case, here's a shout-out to "Deenie."

Although I have been quite inconsistent about posting, I'm glad that I started this blog. I'm a notoriously lousy journal-keeper, and this blog was a pretty good substitute journal while in Israel. A year later, I'm enjoying reading my thoughts from seminary. It's like reconnecting with an old friend.

In the interest of pleasing my future self, I'm going to try blogging this year.

So here goes: I'm officially no longer a freshman in college. My college experience is very different now that I have a group of friends from seminary, a job, a sense of belonging. Two years ago, I thought that I liked my school (and I did), but comparing it with my present experience, I realize how stressed out I was. That's not to say that I'm not stressed out now, trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life, but, b"H, I feel a lot more relaxed. I realize that my frame of mind is so important. Some things are nominally in my control, but really Hashem controls everything, and I just need Hashem to grant me the clarity to be positive.

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