Saturday, August 18, 2007

7 Days and Counting

I'm supposed to be getting ready for my upcoming trip to Israel. Every person I see asks me the same questions: "Are you excited?" and "Are you getting ready?" The answers seem pretty obvious to me. Who wouldn't be excited about spending a year learning in Israel, and who, with only a week to go, isn't getting ready? But the truth is that although I'm excited for the year ahead, I'm also nervous. Yes, I'm nervous. And although I only have a week until takeoff, I'm not really ready. Some of my friends already have duffels packed. The most I've done is unpack my suitcases from last semester (I finally did that last Tuesday. Pathetic, I know, but I'm a procrastinator.)

Although almost everyone I know has gone through the same experience, it's still a new experience for me, and I'm a bit nervous. Excited, but unsure of what my year will be like.

And as far as getting ready goes, I figure that Israelis live in Israel all year round, and they somehow survive without coming to the U.S. every couple months to restock on toiletries. So why can't I? Which reminds me--do I need to bring my own pillows?


Anonymous said...

Hey DDP,
This isn't a comment on this post, but rather an update on the Diet Dr. Pepper situation in Israel. I(Rebecca's roommate) spoke to my friend who is likely on par with you on your love of the unique drink. She said that you can buy it at the supermarket of Rechov Emek Refa'im. Apparently there is a supermarket with a lot of American products. The downside is that she said it's very expensive. She said it can also be found it the restaurant "New Deli" for a price as well. She said she didn't drink it that often but treated herself once in a while.
Bli neder I will try to call you before you leave for my favorite seminary!

Diet Dr. Pepper said...


Thanks for the tips!

It's funny that you should update me now, since I was just thinking today about how I've been drinking far fewer Slurpees (another one of my addictions) this summer than in the past. I was thinking that the decrease is probably due to the fact that I had greater difficulty in obtaining Slurpees this past year due to my change in locale, which forced me to cut down. I guess I just got used to drinking Slurpees less often. In fact, I think DDP replaced my Slurpee addiction to an extent. Perhaps I'll find an Israeli drink (or maybe plain old Diet Coke) to replace my DDP dependency.

In any case, I appreciate the info.

the apple said...

Hehe. I was wondering about the Slurpee thing. :P

You unpacked your suitcases from last semester in ... August?!? You're more of a procrastinator than I am, and that's saying something! In all seriousness though, I think everyone feels the same way before they leave - excited, but there's a lot of uncertainty. One of the best things I did for myself was a) constantly repeat to myself that I was excited to go and b) tried not to have any expectations about the girls, the hanhala, the dorm, etc. (Okay, so it was two best things.) That way, you can psych yourself up for a great year, and when you arrive, there are no disappointments, only good stuff, because you don't assume anything about seminary.

Pillows . . . I don't know, since I didn't go to your sem, but I mistakenly forgot to bring, which was fairly disastrous as I ended up having to purchase one in Geula which was made of horrible lumpy foam. So I would find out from someone who knows the school.

Anonymous said...

Now that I updated on the DDP(the actual drink) I will respond to your post.

It's almost a formality to ask, "are you getting ready", or "are you excited". Of course they know the answer. You're totally allowed to be nervous. If you want to you, can pack the night before (although a few days earlier won't hurt) I'm also a major procrastinator so I know where you're coming from (I didn't unpack my drawers from school yet and I have to unpack them now and repack them because I'm dropping my stuff off at the dorm on Thursday night!).

When I left for Eretz Yisroel, I'm sure I was nervous, but I was very laid back about it because that's who I am. I sort of just took things as they came. I don't recall what my expectations were, I probably didn't have a lot, which was good for me. Not to say that you shouldn't have any.

You can get most toiletries in Eretz Yisroel, a lot of American brands, but not American themselves. By that I mean, Israeli Pantene and Herbal Essences. If you have a particular deodorant that you prefer, I would bring a bunch of them to keep you the whole year. A. because it may not be available there and B. for some odd reason, deodorant is very expensive in Israel.
Also, if you like a particular mousse or gel that you use on a regular basis (although I think you don't because have pretty straight hair).
Might as well bring your own toothbrushes. Toothpaste is different in Israel. I brought from home. Makeup you should bring from home since it usually lasts a long time anyway.
Shampoo, conditioner, soap, and handsoap can all be purchased in Eretz Yisroel. To start you off, you should bring little travel sized bottles of shampoo, conditioner and soap. I brought these anyway and had a little case with shampoo, conditioner, soap, moisturizer, travel toothbrush and toothpaste for overnight tiyulim. This came in handy.

You do need to bring your own pillows and linen. You can get a blanket from the sem, but most girls bring there own. You would have to cover these blankets with a duvet(blanket) cover. Usually the girls who use them are the Brits because their luggage weight limit is something like 30-40kgs (while Americans get 110kgs PER BAG) But they have enough if you really don't want to bring your own blanket.
You can totally call me some time this week if you want before you leave if I don't call you first. If you don't have my number and you do want to call tell me here and I'll call you!
Hatzlacha with your packing and preparations!

Diet Dr. Pepper said...

Thanks for the reassurances, guys.

It's funny, b/c I just got back from a wedding where I saw a whole bunch of my friends who I'll be with in seminary next year. Sadly, not only am I a procrastinator, but I'm also very bad at keeping in touch with people. So I have close friends from high school, who I hardly spoke to this entire last year. Seeing them tonight and catching up has helped put me at ease. So, thank G-d, I'm not feeling nervous now.

I appreciate all of the tips.

And Apple, I unpacked all of my duffels in May. I just had one left that I didn't unpack. (Not too pathetic?)

Unknown said...

Hey DDP!

Anon, fancy meeting you here! :-)

And DDP, I agree with everything my roomate said. Follow her advice.

In terms of being nervous, that is absolutely, 100% normal! As a matter of fact, I think I'd be a bit nervous i f you werent nervous, know what I mean?

Bli neder I'll try to call and/or e-mail before you leave, but if not I wish you much hatzlacha!!!