Tuesday, August 21, 2007


You got to love Seinfeld.

Back when Seinfeld was originally airing on television, I was too young to appreciate it. I don't think that I ever even watched an episode, besides for the series finale since it was such a big deal. But recently I've become acquainted with Seinfeld, and I love it.

I love it so much, I almost died watching it. For real. Thank G-d, I survived. But it was a close call. The story itself is almost out of a Seinfeld episode.

***One afternoon, I'm watching an episode with my family. Since I'm hungry, I'm eating a pear (a pear? I know. It's a random fruit, but I can't stand apples). Long story short, there's a really funny line, and I burst out laughing. Since I'm also eating at the time, a piece of pear gets lodged in my throat, making it difficult/impossible for me to breathe. Luckily, my mom does the Heimlich Maneuver, and I survive, thank G-d.***

I'm thinking about Seinfeld today, because a conversation from a rerun that was on today was reminiscent of a conversation I had with two of my nine-year-old campers. On the show, Kramer thinks of a number between one and ten, and another character guesses that he's thinking of the number of six. He's actually thinking of the number five, but is astounded that the other character's guess is so close. At camp, one nine-year-old (the same one from the hair and sisters stories) tells me that her friend is telepathic, because if you think of a number between one and ten, she'll guess it. The other kid demonstrates her talent, and then they ask me to try too. So I join in, and lo and behold, I'm also pretty good at guessing numbers between one and ten. The first nine-year-old turns to me with a look of wonderment and says, "You're telepathic, too!" Then we try guessing numbers between one and 100, and neither of us are any good at it. Surprise, surprise.

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